WORKLAB is a company dedicated to providing holistic workspace design & build solutions. Their activities range from designing the interior space to fitout, ceilings, furniture, desks, lighting and so on. Their portfolio includes offices of giants like Pfizer, Orange, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Mercedes and so on.
Deliverables: identity system, website, copy, print, video
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The following stylebook serves the purpose of setting a visual communication system for WORKLAB. It is of utmost importance for the brand to be recognized as the same singular entity in the different appearances it might take on the physical or virtual plane. Thus, this publication defines a set of standards and approaches towards communication, with an emphasis on design. Enforcing these standards at every point of brand presence will aid the company in being perceived as it plans to.
The visual identity of the company is laid out in detail in the following section.
Selected Works
AvantCreditProject type
Verdant Pastaria IasiProject type
BooxBoxProject type
Paws on HeartProject type
Print și eticheteProject type
sielu rohoBranding
Pai din StufProject type
Logos & LetteringProject type
WORKLABProject type
ENDORPHINE Artisan CoffeeBranding
Video și animațieVideo
ARBO biosistemBranding
Atelier de CuloriBranding
Mika Lash StudioBranding
Abtshof HotelBranding
what the hatBranding
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