Colors bonanza!
Atelier de Culori is a Romanian floral service business specializing in decorations for happy events such as weddings, baby showers, baptism parties and more 🎉
The identity we designed is centered around the themes 'colors' and 'flowers' and manages to communicate a happy, positive feeling through a flat design with abstract petals as recurring elements.
The monowidth script logotype is created from scratch, specially for this project. Personal touch and uniqueness had to meet a feminine letterstyle in this joyful graphic. Quite naturally, the identity suits the owners - 2 young ladies
Selected Works
AvantCreditProject type
Verdant Pastaria IasiProject type
BooxBoxProject type
Paws on HeartProject type
Print și eticheteProject type
sielu rohoBranding
Pai din StufProject type
Logos & LetteringProject type
WORKLABProject type
ENDORPHINE Artisan CoffeeBranding
Video și animațieVideo
ARBO biosistemBranding
Atelier de CuloriBranding
Mika Lash StudioBranding
Abtshof HotelBranding
what the hatBranding
Părerile clienților
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Tel: +40 754 028 144